How To Create A Mini Bird Sanctuary On Your Balcony

If you're like many people who've chosen to live in a condo or an apartment, you probably really enjoy not having to do yard work on weekends. However, you may also wish that there was a way that you could have your own small, private garden where you could enjoy the sights and sounds of local songbirds. Fortunately, you don't have to have a big backyard in order to attract wild birds to your outdoor living space. If you've got a terrace, a patio, or even a small balcony, you create your own personal secret garden to share with the birds. Here's what you'll need to build your paradise.

Flowering Plants That Self-Seed

While all flowering plants produce seed, not all do so profusely. Because seeds are one of the mainstays of the diets of wild birds, it's important to provide as much as possible. Marigolds, daisies, zinnias, and asters are all good choices, and there are even small varieties of sunflowers that do well when planted in containers. 

Plant Aromatic Herbs

Most birds also like a side of insects with their seeds, and the best way to bring bugs to the table is to plant a few aromatic herbs. Herbs such as mint, oregano, thyme, and sage grow well in containers and are easy to care for. As an added bonus, you'll have a small snipping garden of culinary herbs for use at your own table. 

Provide Nesting Options

Birdhouses provide a place for your feathered friends to raise their families. You'll have to get an early start—the best time to add birdhouses is during March because this is when most bird species begin courting their mates. If you put your birdhouses up too late, don't despair if they stay empty this year—they'll be ready for occupancy early next spring.

Put Anti-Collision Stickers on Your Glass Surfaces

Glass windows pose a significant safety hazard to wild birds because they see the reflections of the sky in the glass, which leads them to think that they're got a clear flight path. Anti-collision stickers provide a visual signal that the path isn't clear and prevent these tragic collisions. You can make your own anti-collision stickers or purchase them from a home and garden retailer. 

Include Small Water Features

Birds also need plenty of freshwater to drink, so be sure to include a small water feature such as a patio- or balcony-sized garden decor water fountain. The gentle splashing sounds of a solar-powered birdbath/fountain will attract thirsty birds to the area as well as introduce an enchanting aesthetic to the picture. 
